Why you don’t need an “Annual Physical”

While traditionally many family doctors have scheduled their patients into the office once a year to do an "Annual Physical", there is no scientific evidence that this actually prevents disease or saves lives. 

The old “Annual Physical” was an opportunity to review your file to ensure that all routine tests were up to date. With the advances of Electronic Medical Records, we now have reminders that alert us when your tests are overdue, thus eliminating the need for an appointment for this purpose. Furthermore, a complete ‘head-to-toe’ examination in the absence of any symptoms or concerns does not provide any benefit.

Instead of asking to book a “Physical”

  • Ask to book a visit for a specific concern(s) that you may have.

  • Ask if you have any blood work, tests, or cancer screens that are overdue. These can often be booked without actually seeing your doctor.

  • Ask to book a visit for a PAP test if that is what you are specifically concerned about.

Want to learn more?

Choosing Wisely Canada is a campaign to help physicians and patients engage in conversations about unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures, and to help physicians and patients make smart and effective choices to ensure high-quality care. Click here to find out more.